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Four tips to look professional on Camera

Does anyone else have the same nightmare of not looking the part of, or doing something wrong while on camera? As work and social events have turned to online platforms, there are added precautions to take before even turning your camera on. The following are four tips to remain to look professional while being on camera.

1. Solid Colors
Stick with a solid-colored shirt with minimal to no prints. Your main focus should be your face. If you are wearing a distracting shirt, the focus moves to your shirt rather than your face. With that being said, steer clear of white or black shirts as well. You don’t want the light to reflect off your shirt and blind the other participants. Black may seem like a better choice, but it doesn’t give you any dimension.

2. Lighting
Make sure the light is in front of you rather than behind. If the light is behind you it will cast shadows on your face. Position a lamp in front of you to shine consistent light on your face. Or, sit in front of a window. The natural light will be soft on your face and won’t cast any shadows. Either way, don’t forget that the light needs to be in front of you!

3. Eye Level Camera
No one wants to see up your nose! Make sure your camera is eye level and not pointing up at you. This way you can directly look into the camera and at your peers. If you cannot achieve eye level just by moving your computer screen, try stacking books underneath. This is an old-school approach that will never fail you.

4. Simple background
Many virtual platforms come with fun backgrounds that you can use. Steer clear of these! Not only does your appearance need to look professional, but your surroundings also do as well. Find a clean space or somewhere that has minimal distractions behind you. This will allow your peers to focus on yourself versus what is going on behind you!

It’s important to be prepared for any on-camera event, whether it is an interview or just a team meeting. These four tips will help you look professional and be prepared. Remember, you should be the focus of the meeting—not what is behind you or around you—and for you to look the part no matter what your job position maybe.

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