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How COVID Affects Your Events and Business Meetings We are all in this together.

It fills our minds, the news, social media, and overall has changed life as we know it. It’s impossible to hide from, and I think everyone is losing their minds with our lack of social connection. Events and Trade Shows are in an extra tough spot during these COVID times. When the goal of business is to bring everyone together; where do we go from here?

We all have the same questions, Should we take our business of events and trade shows virtually? What platforms can make people feel connected? How can we make our meetings seem as normal as possible? How do we make that connection with our customers?

Luckily, the industry is fighting back! Virtual event platforms have never seen this degree of innovation in history. The demand is unmatched. Businesses are looking to see how to connect with customers while keeping employees safe. The industry of Events & Trade shows has sprung into action overnight to put their skills to the test to help businesses thrive during the pandemic.

There are a couple of key things to consider when looking for a virtual event vendor. There are many players to consider while looking for a virtual platform. At RJM Events we have currently looked at over 60 virtual platforms for our clients and have learned that not every platform is created equal. As well we have learned that not every virtual platform offers a great experience. Some platforms focus on the customer side and leave the event organizer with mountains of complicated data to input. Others we have looked at are easy for the event managers to use but the attendee experience is not top-notch. Here is our opinion of some items to consider when selecting a virtual platform.

* The first consideration is how do you want your attendees to socially connect. Regardless of your content, we want to create a shared experience with
attendees. Make a memory and leave them wanting more at the end of the event. The connection is key in any event, even a virtual one.

* Does the virtual platform you’ve selected allow you to connect with your clients, attendees, and sponsor in a way that will build the shared experience?

* Is the system easy for you to use?

* Pricing, the pricing for virtual event platforms is anywhere from $300 – $150,000 per event. We have sadly learned that expensive does not mean good.

Attendee analytics, many platforms are great at many things but we have found many virtual platforms lack the ability to produce great data on attendees. Calculating ROI requires good data. If your event has sponsors they will want to know who visited or downloaded their information.

There is no doubt about it- the physical events we know, and love is changing. Luckily, the shift towards digital tradeshows does not have to slow down your plans! It might sound like something out of Sci-Fi, but with the right virtual platform, you can make a virtual trade show just as effective as a live event. If you need help with your next virtual event please feel free to contact us.

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